Hello and happy new year!
The year 2022 is here, and we had many updates to our NGC MARS product in 2021.
New Stuffs:
- NEW feature: Preorder Products
- NEW shipping courier: AnterAja
- NEW: option to set maximum allowed quantity buyer can add to cart for specific product
- NEW: Custom module shipping for certain cases or products. Eg. some shipping couriers won’t ship liquid products.
- NEW: option for free shipping insurance
- NEW: Menu mega dropdown now also available for Standard Package (used to exclusive for Professional Package)
- NEW: hero banner image now have option to upload smaller image for mobile view
Bug Fixes:
- Google Analytics not available on some pages (login, checkout, register, payment confirmation)
- Storewide alert message not working
- Checkout page - separation for toggle list between Payment and Shipping Address
- Shopping cart - validation for mixed product types (eg. normal product & preorder product)
- Some minor CMS bugs
- Some CSS fix
- Checkout page - first store option automatically chosen when selecting Store Pickup as delivery option
- Tooltip - user can update wording for tooltip
- Searchable field on addresses (country, province, city, zip code, district)
- Cleaner design
- Relayout shipping labels
- JS & CSS optimization